


When you use the Viasat Browser, 我们会自动收集某些在线使用信息,以便随着时间的推移,浏览器中包含的Viasat Internet hint Service功能能够提供有关感兴趣的url的更准确提示,从而加快页面加载速度.  我们通过Viasat Internet hint Service收集和处理包括您的IP地址在内的数据, network access global unique identifier, 应用程序使用和点击流数据(包括您使用的应用程序功能和您访问的网页), the webpage URL, the list of objects (e.g., images, text boxes) on the web page, the time for each object to load, whether any failures occurred loading the objects, object meta-data, 对象是否在浏览器缓存中,域名是否在DNS缓存中.  我们处理的点击流数据来自Viasat提示服务,并与本服务的其他用户对该特定网站的点击进行汇总,以优化和改进本服务.


Additionally, 我们处理有关浏览环境的信息,例如是否启用了AD屏蔽, and information regarding the device CPU, disk, 以及操作系统,以便在分析网页加载性能时考虑这些因素. 我们还会收集与您使用本服务的体验以及您的互联网连接性能相关的其他信息并进行分析,以帮助排除故障并优化本服务.


When providing you with the Service, 我们还存储cookie值的哈希值以及与呈现特定网页相关的每个请求和响应的cookie名称. To minimize tracking and data collection from cookies, 在Viasat提示服务处理cookie之前,我们使用SHA2算法对其进行加密哈希.


Other than as described in this Section, Viasat Internet hint Service数据不处理您在访问网站或与网站交互时在浏览器中输入的数据, such as usernames and passwords, cardholder data, search engine queries, contact information, or any other user-entered data. 


您可以选择以隐身模式操作Viasat Connect,以暂时限制Viasat hint Service访问您的信息(ctrl-shift-N)。.  When in incognito mode, Viasat Connect does not communicate with the Viasat Hinting Service, though please note that page load speeds may decrease as a result.


我们收到服务崩溃报告,其中包括与相关事件相关的数据, which may include personal data that we only use to evaluate the malfunction, make efforts to correct the problem, 并改进我们的产品和服务,以减少故障再次发生的机会. In addition, 您可以选择向我们发送反馈报告,其中包括与您的服务使用情况相关的数据.

Viasat Voice是为某些Viasat Internet用户提供的家庭电话服务.  Viasat收集和维护称为客户专有网络信息的信息("CPNI”) as part of Viasat Voice. CPNI includes, among other things, how you use Viasat Voice, for example, calling records and your billing information. Your Viasat Voice telephone number, name, and address do not constitute CPNI.


U.S. federal law generally permits Viasat to use CPNI in its provision of Viasat Voice, including billing and collections for such service. Viasat also is permitted by law to use, disclose or permit access to CPNI (i) to provide or market service offerings among the categories of services to which you already subscribe; or (ii) for legal or regulatory reasons, such as to respond to a court order, to investigate fraud, 保护Viasat的权利或财产,或保护Viasat服务的其他用户免受非法侵害, fraudulent or abusive use of Viasat's services.


Viasat不会向Viasat以外的任何人以及授权代表Viasat执行与Viasat Voice性能相关功能的第三方出售或交易您的CPNI, except as the law may require or permit or you may otherwise authorize. Neither Viasat, nor any third party to whom Viasat has provided CPNI, use CPNI for marketing purposes, except as may be permitted by law.

本隐私声明也适用于托管社区互联网的个人和企业, WiFi, or other broadband service at their location to enable the Services to others (the “Hosts”). 


We collect information about individuals and businesses who are or may become Hosts, including identifiers, contact details, personal records, and national ID number. This information may include name, physical address, tax identification number, contact information including phone number, WhatsApp number, and email address, 以及作为我们或我们的合作伙伴在选择主机时进行的网站调查的一部分的主机形象. 我们可能直接向您或向我们的第三方业务合作伙伴收集这些信息.


我们处理此信息以评估是否向您提供在您所在位置托管宽带服务解决方案的报价, either now or in the future. If you agree to the installation of a broadband service solution, we will process your information to provide account and technical support, to help improve the solution, and to contact you with offers and promotions relating to the service. We may share your information with our affiliates, including Viasat, Inc., to perform the functions described in this paragraph. 


寄主可随时按照“Your Choices and Data Protection Rights” section of the Privacy Notice

In some locations, Viasat作为连接服务的批发提供商,并处理我们合作伙伴客户的个人数据.  In this context, the partner is our customer, 合作伙伴与接受互联网服务的客户(您)有直接的关系. 当我们是批发供应商时,我们处理的个人数据包括使用信息,包括设备标识符, IP address, and URL related information that we process to provide the service to our customers.


We process your personal data for purposes of our legitimate interests, including to fulfil legal obligations, establish and manage the contractual relationship between us and our partner, to provide technical assistance in connection with the wholesale service we provide, defense of legal claims, and to prevent criminal activity.


We share your personal data with others only if we have a legal basis for doing so. If we transfer your personal data to recipients outside the UK, Switzerland, the European Union, or the European Economic Area (EEA), 我们只有在第三国的数据保护水平足够的情况下才会这样做, or we have adopted an approved legal mechanism to support the transfer (e.g., using standard contractual clauses or another approved mechanism). 您的个人资料可能会披露给公共当局或其他根据法律有权访问的实体.

当向我们的商业客户提供Intelie LIVE本地软件或软件即服务时, Viasat processes personal data of our customers’ authorized employees, consultants, contractors, and agents (“Authorized Users”). 


The personal data of Authorized Users that we process includes credentials, business email address, 登录信息,以便访问本服务,以及授权用户使用本服务的其他技术和相关信息.  我们不会以可识别的方式使用授权用户的个人数据,除非我们认为有必要提供服务或以其他方式履行我们对授权用户所关联的客户的合同义务, or to comply with our legal obligations. 


我们也可能会汇总与授权用户使用本服务有关的某些数据,以支持和排除问题, provide updates, automate invoices, analyze trends and improve Viasat’s products or services. 


获授权用户可随时按照“Your Choices and Data Protection Rights” section of the Privacy Notice